Our Identity in Christ
What do we mean by the Kingdom of God, and how does it relate to the Church?
What is our identity, our place, and our part in the Church?
We can understand what the Kingdom of God is and how it relates to the Church by exploring the following;
- The Kingdom of God and our Citizenship
- Our Identity in Christ
- Fellowship and Accountability
- Functions within the Church
As Christians, our identity is in Christ. If it is not, it must be in something else—our nationality, our family, our friends, our possessions, our job.
When Jesus becomes our identity, we can face whatever life throws at us.
Our new identity in Christ
If we have placed our trust in the risen Son of God, turned from our sins, and accepted by faith the reality of His death and resurrection, we have an amazing new identity.
We are God’s dearly loved children in whom He delights. In fact, we are heirs of His incredible blessings, saints with new natures, and citizens of God’s kingdom (John 1:12; 1 John 3:1-2; Romans 8:16).
New creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have a new identity. Our sins are forgiven, and we enjoy the new hope, strength, and courage in our new birth. Instead of our old life, we have abundant and eternal life that is His life in us. What a privilege to have such a new life in Christ.
Ministers of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18)
We are called to bring peace and reconciliation in today’s world. And as this verse in Corinthians states, we are called to be ministers of reconciliation in our work places, churches, families—everywhere.
Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)
A follower of Jesus Christ is an ambassador for Christ. We have higher and greater task given from God that must be accomplished. Therefore, the believer exercises the authority given by God.
The righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Jesus Christ took all of our sins upon Himself and died for us so that we would become the righteousness of God. When God looks at us, He sees the powerful blood of Christ over us. He calls us His children. He has taken all our sins, cast them into the depths of the sea, and put a signboard for the devil which reads, “No fishing here!”
Children of God (John 1:12)
In Christ, we become the children of God and receive the boldness and courage to approach His throne of grace calling Him “Abba, Father.” The Holy Spirit within us bears witness that we are the children of God (Romans 8:14-16).
Salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-14)
We become as important as salt and light in life. Salt looks very insignificant but, in any dish that we cook, it plays an important role. It makes the dish tasty and delicious. Where a believer goes, there is real peace and joy, and hope overflows in a way that changes lives and impacts all those around.
Light of the World (Matthew 5:13-14)
Light reveals everything. As we live righteous lives, lives showing right relationship with God and Christ-like relationship with others, the works of darkness will not only be revealed but will also be removed from the lives of people around us. Our identity in Christ will heal a hurting world.
Branches in the Vine (John 15:5)
God has called us to be His, and He wants us to bear fruit. When we abide in Christ and His words abide in our hearts, we will bear the fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives, and the fruits of the ministry will be seen in us for the saving of many souls.
Friends of God (John 15:15)
Living in sin makes us hostile to God. But when we receive Christ into our hearts, we become His friends. This is a relationship to be cherished and nourished. In fact, talking to Jesus on a daily basis and walking in obedience to His word strengthens this relationship.
More than Conquerors (Romans 8:37)
Jesus defeated Satan, took the victory, and handed it over to us. As soon as we believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, we become more than conquerors through Him. Our enemy can do us no harm.
Temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:16)
It’s a privilege that God makes us His abiding place, His temple. Did you know that we are called to live holy lives. What God demands from us is a pure heart and clean hands.
Aroma of Christ (2 Corinthians 2:15-16)
The people around us must smell the love of Christ in and though our lives. When persecuted, we are called to bless. We are blessed to become a blessing for the people in our lives.
Fully embracing our new identity
Our new identity in Christ is a life of love, meaning, and purpose. It is Christ living in and through us. In fact, the Apostle Paul explains that we have been chosen to share in God’s glory (Romans 5:1-2). If we fully understand the riches of God’s glory in this life and the next, we will never be the same.
One of the reasons many of us Christians miss out on the abundant life Christ offers us is that we do not really believe God has something better for us beyond what we have experienced. We do not want to let go of the beliefs and values of this world. Each time we base our self-worth on accomplishments and appearance rather than on who we are in Christ, we are choosing to follow the value system of this world. Every time we choose our actions and priorities based on what is popular or currently accepted rather than on what matters to God, we are short-circuiting God’s power in our lives and sabotaging the amazing plan He has for us.
The Supernatural Life Of Christ
The supernatural life Christ offers requires that we turn our backs on the old and wholeheartedly embrace the new. God always pursues us to show us a whole new way of thinking, seeing, and living that comes with fully surrendering our lives to Him. We are members of the Body of Christ with a specific function that we need to discover and put to good use.
How often do I experience my new identity in Christ? In which of these areas am I strongest and in which of these areas do I need improvement?
Global Disciples Canada
Global Disciples Canada is a Christian missions organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!
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