Panoramic view of the snowy mountains in Upper Mustang, Annapurna Nature Reserve, trekking route, Nepal

Peak to Peak, Strength to Strength

The Good News transforms lives!

We have multiple churches asking for us to come and start a training program in their community. But we do not have the funds to go. We are praying that God would raise Christians in Canada to come alongside the work of Jesus to the forgotten and the unreached.

The cost to train 1 person for 1 year is $960 – that’s $80 a month.

Your gift, whether you commit to a monthly gift of $80 or a gift of love in any amount, makes it possible for us to say “YES!” to a church praying for Global Disciples to join them as they reach out to people others have ignored and forgotten.

Sejun Trusted God!

Sejun, an illiterate peasant farmer, met Jesus through two young Sherpas who had seen a little girl healed.

As Sejun listened to the Sherpas’ stories of Jesus, he wondered if this Jesus would heal his wife. What could he lose? She was dying. So, he asked them to pray for healing.

The Sherpa knelt at his wife’s bed and prayed.

Ehani, Sejun’s wife, sat up in bed, asking for food. She was completely healed! Sejun and his family believed!

God is moving in Nepal.

Our God is no stranger to the forgotten, men and women like Sejun and Ehani.

We are humbled when Christians like Sejun ask us to come and help them build their local church. As a part of the community, their heart breaks for the hundreds of forgotten men and women in the mountains of Nepal.

Our training equips Christians to share the message of Jesus with their community. More than that, it helps them start a small business, giving them an important place in the community and funding their ministry.

Thank you, for continuing to pray. May God be praised for the amazing work he is doing in the lives of Nepalese Christians.