Barque, Transport du quinquina, Cinchona officinalis, Qunine, Lac Kivu, République démocratique du Congo, Rwanda

God Is Doing Amazing Things

“Ask anything in My name, and I will do it…”

Our prayer is to establish strong and resilient churches.

Your gift of $240 provides training and support for 1 disciple-maker for three months.

“The Lord led us to the Pygmy people of a traditional village…”

Mystical charms, potions and witchcraft dominated the community. During out training we asked God to show us where He wanted us to go. And he led us to a village nearby.

There was a traditional priest near the village. He did not want our church planters in this region. He gathered his members and physically opposed our presence. Our team waited, knowing that God had told us to come to this specific village. The chief called us together and asked the priest to end the opposition and let our disciple-makers speak.

And God began to do an amazing work among the people.

God is Faithful

Ebatchu, one of the DR Congo disciple-makers, shares the miraculous work of God as he spoke directly to the heart of the people. As disciple-makers spoke to the people in Molepe, a man came to them and confessed that he was planning to kill his brother. He even brought the knife he had selected to murder his brother.

The disciple-makers brought the two brothers together and prayed with them. In a time of miraculous healing, the brothers were reconciled.

After our time of outreach, teaching and prayer, 334 people gave their lives to Jesus and 8 people were baptized.

Praise God – a new church was planted!

Your gift helps reach men and women in the least reached regions of the world.