The World Needs the Gospel
$80 helps train and equip a disciple-maker to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Good News transforms lives!
$80/month helps equip and train a disciple-maker.
The cost for a full year of training is $960 – every gift, no matter the amount, is used to bring the Good News of Jesus to the least reached regions of the world.
Double the impact of your gift! A match from a generous donor will double your donation!
When you give $80 you help train not one, but two disciple-makers. Their impact is transformation.
- Each disciple-maker leads 4-5 people to Christ every year, walking with them as they mature as a Christian
- Each disciple-maker plants a new church every 4 to 5 years, establishing a strong Christian presence in the community.
Thank you for being a part of reaching the least reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Ordinary People do Extraordinary Things
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, God orchestrates miraculous and awe-inspiring transformation.
Aung loves his country, but Myanmar is filled with challenges. He has a vision and heart of love for families scattered across Myanmar living in bamboo villages.
In a country dominated by Buddhism, few people living in remote and rural bamboo villages have heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Too often witchcraft and ancient traditions are woven into the culture of the people, causing fear, demonic presence and spiritism.
But our God is a God of love.
As disciple-makers reach out, they are seeing the miraculous power of Jesus healing them, spiritually and physically. When the local people see the miraculous power of Jesus, they want to know more about this Christian God.
Aung is a faithful servant of Christ, telling the story of Jesus and praying for transformation through God’s Spirit.
Thank you for your prayers
Through your prayers you partner with us to equip Christians in remote and hard-to-reach areas, giving them the tools to share the message of Jesus.
God uses ordinary people to tell His amazing story. And that’s where we come in. We walk alongside churches and disciple-makers living within the community.
And we invite you to join us in reaching men and women who have little chance of hearing the story of Jesus.
Please continue to pray that God would raise supporters for the work of equipping local Christians to reach their neighbours.